Oh, hi there. My name is [Maneetpaul Singh](https://maneetpaul.com), and you’ve stumbled upon my personal second brain. This is my collection of digital notes containing ideas, learnings, and research on various topics across different spheres of my life. It’s incredibly personal, and you can learn more about [[Why I decided to publish my second brain]] by clicking that link. Please feel free to poke around. Just keep in mind that I don’t publish absolutely everything, so some links will not work because they are private. Also, every note in this second brain is written for an audience of one: me. Some notes probably won’t make sense to you and that is by design. Lastly, this entire site is an active workspace. Expect notes to get moved around, change names, or evolve into something different as I work on them. There is no formal navigation. All the magic is in the links. If you're ready to dive in, a good starting place would be my [[Map of Content]] list. Happy exploring!